konnai’s inserts are made of four layers of bamboo cotton fabric. These are super-absorbent and can be used for longer duration, as in the nights. These can be combined with our stay-dry fleece liners.
Our inserts come in one size — 11 cm X 35 cm. They can be used inside pocket diapers or with diaper covers. They cost ₹ 280 each.
Wash And Care
Before first use
Soak your insert for 3 hours in cold water; rinse and hang it to dry in the sun. Insert’s absorbency increases after a few washes.
After every use
Pre-wash: Soak used insert for 30 minutes in cold water. Agitate well to get rid of deposits.
Main wash: After pre-wash, use a mild detergent to wash; rinse well; hang it to dry in the sun for 4 hours. Rest of the drying can be done indoor.
Do NOT use bleach, iron, disinfectant, fragrance, deodorizer or softener. Do NOT sun-dry for more than 4 hours.